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May 4, 2000 - Thursday

Today was a bit more relaxed than the other days I've had lately. I slept late and then got up and watched the news that I taped in the morning.

I got ready, put my futon away and made sure that my apartment was ready for company. I made a shopping list and went out to get a few last minute groceries.

I made Peach Ice Tea, with Sprite in it...darn good.

My first guests arrived just before 6:00, Yuko and Yukari. Close on their heels was Fumihiko and then a short while and a phone call later was Yukie. We had takoyaki, nachos, chili and sushi. Quite a mixture. Also had assorted types of alcohol!

We ate and talked and had a pretty nice time. Around 9:00 pm Fumihiko left and then a while later Yukari and Yuko did too. So, Yukie and I decided to go to karaoke. We walked to one karaoke box but it was full, so we went to another one. We detoured on the way to tell Shimi where we were going and to invite her along.

Yukie and I sang for a long time! We sang lots of different songs. After a while Shimi joined us. She didn't sing, but she seemed to enjoy our singing.

When our 2 hours was up, we decided to go home, but we are going to meet tomorrow, Yukie and I, to go and look at some flowers.

And that's it. A fun party. I do wonder what happened to all the other people who I invited. I hope they got my invitations. I hope I can keep my apartment tidy for a while. Think I'll manage it? I dunno, I never have before.

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