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May 6, 2000 - Saturday

Today was kind of a strange day. It was my first day back for a week, but I was almost the only person in the office today. The teacher from Sakata came, but she only taught one class so I really didn't even get to talk to her.

One of my students didn't come. I wonder why. He knew that the school was open today.

Many of my classes were nearly empty. I had one one-person group class for 2 hours and one 2 hour class with only two people in it.

I left the school before 10 which was a nice change. I rented some videos on the way home and bought a few groceries for supper. Then I watched 90210 and Dharma & Greg. Fun stuff. I followed it up with a program to help us foreigners learn Japanese. It was okay tonight, not so helpful for me.

I'm really tired, so I may just go to bed.

I've been having trouble the last few days with my knees. I've been finding it really difficult to bicycle, go downstairs or get up from my legless chair. On top of that, my fingers feel like they are swollen and really hard to bend. I wondered if that was a reaction to the rubber gloves that I wore when I cleaned my apartment. And, to make matters worse, I'm incredibly itchy. I think that is a reaction to the tomato salsa that I ate at my party. When will I learn? So, I've been feeling quite the hypochondriac. I don't want to be one, but when you really do feel under the weather, what should you do?

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