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May 7, 2000 - Sunday

Today was one of those lazy, do nothing kind of days that help recharge your batteries. I didn't set my alarm, but surprisingly was up before 11:00.

I did four loads of laundry, I have clothes hanging all over my house now! But, it's done. That means I can go out tomorrow if I want to.

I watched the videos I rented. I laughed my head off at "Austin Powers-The Spy Who Shagged Me" but only chuckled a few times during "Analyze Me".

In the evening I decided to take a bath, so I finally cleaned my bathtub and took one. I was reading my old Cosmopolitans. No, I never seem to throw them away. I wish I did. It's funny though to read the old ones and see the comments. (Would Titanic be the next Waterworld?)

I was going to write my entry and then post it on the net, but there was a terrific thunderstorm and I thought it wasn't a good idea. The lightning was so close that the thunder shook the whole building. It was almost frightening.

The storm seems to be over, but now there is nothing on TV. Oh, I beg your pardon....Stagecoach just came on. I think I'll pop in a video. It's only 1 am and I don't feel like going to bed yet.

Night all.....

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