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May 13, 2000 - Saturday

Today was a good day, except another class cancelled and it rained a lot.

I did a bit of prep work for Tuesday, prepping 2 classes. I invited my new co-worker to sit in on my children's group on Tuesday, so I wanted to make sure that it'll be a good class. I'm not sure if it will be, but that's life.

My first 2 hour class only had one person in it. It's kind of tough on both of us actually. However we did enjoy ourselves so I think it was okay.

My other class, my other 2 hour group had perfect attendance tonight. I was so surprised. Lately the attendance has been terrible.

After work my friend Masako arrived and I finished up my paperwork quickly. We went downstairs to Shimi's restaurant and had some delicious sushi and her famous miso soup. It was fun.

Then as it was pouring we took a taxi back to my apartment and now we are just kicking back and watching TV. I don't know what it is as I don't understand a lot of Japanese. Even after 3 years, I still don't understand simple conversations.

Anyway, in a bit we'll probably go to bed. I'm tired. It's been a long week. Take care! Catch you later?

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