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May 26, 2000 - Friday

Before I went to bed last night something weird happened. I took out two bags of garbage. Yes, it was a sad day in my life. I finished throwing out the last of my Cosmopolitan Magazines. I didn't want to, but considering some of them were three years old, I guess it was a good thing.

Today was an okay day. My classes went well. I did body language in two of them and surprisingly, the lower class enjoyed it more.

I also did two level checks. I had to turn down both students. One of them cried after the level check so I felt really bad. I think in both cases they aren't far from being able to have a foreign teacher, but if they transfer now they might actually lose a bit of ground. I've also made two students cry in two days. I guess it's official. I'm not a nice person??

While I was getting ready to leave, one of my students showed up to tell me that he can't come tomorrow. I didn't realize that I hadn't told him about my move, so I was glad that he came. His work keeps him very busy so he hasn't been able to come lately.

The big exciting news was that I got out of school before 10 pm tonight. I was so happy about that. I have been at the school late almost every night.

I moved my packed boxes from my living room to my kitchen this morning. It makes me feel better having more space around me. How can you tell I'm an Albertan and like my space?

Well, I seem to be out of interesting things to say, so this Albertan is going to bed. She also likes her sleep!

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