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November 6, 2000 - Monday

Today was a bit long. I got up early so that I could have something to eat before I took my medicine. Then I ran off to my Japanese lesson. I left a bit late and was stuck while 2 different trains went by.

My lesson went well, but I forgot a lot of things. 3 weeks no practice. Sigh.

After class I returned some videos, finally got Mystery Alaska and some others, and came home. I'm afraid that I took a long nap in the afternoon.

When I finished my nap I went out again to the Origel factory...where they sell music boxes. I'm going to give some as Christmas Presents. The problem was picking the tunes to put in the boxes. The woman in the story was trying to be helpful, but she just got on my nerves. She kept trying to make me listen to a bunch of Japanese pop tunes, which I didn't want to send to Canada. She was nice, but I really just wanted to be left alone. Then when I finally picked a couple out, she goofed up putting one in the box. I felt quite sorry for her. She had to cut the music making part out of the box and replace it.

After that I wandered back towards home, but decided to go to the Otaru Grand Hotel Coffee shop for a quick bite. I've passed the place many times and it always looked so inviting that I just wanted to try it. It was very nice, but also a bit pricey. I had sandwiches, tea and cake. It was nice to just sit there and sip tea and watch the world go by though. The big armchairs were very comfortable.

I continued to wander back home and when I arrived I watched Sabrina on tape, then phoned my friend Susan. We talked for well over an hour. Oops. Still it was nice to talk to her. It sounds like she's fitting well into life in Japan. I'm very glad about that. It was also nice to talk in English with someone where I didn't have to make things easier to understand.

For those of you who don't know, Susan and I went to the same College and studied the same thing (English Literature) at University. We were also roommates for a brief time one summer. It's nice to have a friend over here who has absolutely nothing to do with my job or company!

It was kind of a tiring day, even though I did a lot of sleeping. Tomorrow I'm back to work. Sigh. I do feel about a million times better though. I still cough, but not as much as I used to.

And that's about it for me for today I think. Have a good one and catch me again tomorrow!

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