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November 7, 2000 - Tuesday

I'm still coughing. I've only got a little bit of medicine left, so if I don't get better overnight, I don't know what I'll do. Sigh.

Today was okay. But I had to do a lot of talking in my classes, which didn't do my throat any good.

I went out during my lunch break and I bought myself a new umbrella. It's one of those super-duper 70 cm ones with a button to open it. It's great. I got a black one to match my coat. The reason I bought it is that we got a downpour and I didn't bring my other one. It was still raining when I walked home tonight.

I also ate lunch in a restaurant in Nagasakia but I didn't enjoy it. It was mushroom spaghetti but it was awful. A bit soupy and not tasty.

I got a nice package in the mail today....chicken noodle soup from my friends Susan and Steve. I've been craving some for a while. I might even have some for breakfast tomorrow!

That's about it for me for today. Not much to say...hope I get better soon. I'm tired of being sick. I felt good for the last two days, but today I'm back to feeling sick again. Sigh.

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