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November 14, 2000 - Tuesday

Well, today was a strange one, sort of. I'm still feeling better. I still have a bit of a cough and I'm still in pain from coughing, but generally I feel better. I tend to pant like I'm even more out of shape than usual when I climb some of the many hills in Otaru.

I bought my breakfast on the way to work....2 sandwiches and an onigiri. Well, when I got to work, I ate one of the sandwiches and couldn't even think about eating the rest. I put them in the fridge for my lunch.

Miwa was back for the day, and the new manager arrived too. She seems really nice. She's from Otaru originally.

At lunch I went out to get something to go with the sandwich. I got a little chicken and rice thing....I ate it and then again couldn't look at the sandwich. I ended up bringing the sandwich and onigiri home and eating them for supper. I guess my appetite has been suppressed for some reason. I should go with it!

Two of my classes didn't happen today...I was a bit disappointed cause I miss my students when they don't come.

I got home a bit late and decided not to turn on my computer, but to work on my Christmas Cards first. I did a bit of colouring and some adding of glitter. Yes, I'm biased, but they look awesome!

And that's about it for the day. Oh, I told one of my students about my boot buying problems. It turns out our feet are the same size, so I asked her where she gets her winter boots. The place is on my way to work. I might stop by tomorrow or the day after. Cool huh?

Anyway, it's time to end this. Nighty-night.

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