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November 15, 2000 - Wednesday

I was a bit busy today. I had 5 classes. The student who almost never comes, came today. I also had 3 kids classes in a row. Yikes.

The weather was very nice when I went to work today, but it started snowing and hailing tonight. When I came home tonight there wasn't any snow on the ground, but it was a bit slippery in places. There was also snow on the tops of some vehicles.

So, how am I feeling? Not great, to be honest. I started coughing again and my sides are very sore. A student gave me the name of a gargle, so I think I'll get some tomorrow. I want to give my throat a break if I can.

Classes went quite well. It was nice to see everyone again.

After school we had a small party at the local hangout. It was one of Justin's student's birthdays and Justin had a teacher from Sapporo observing his classes today, so a bunch of us went out. I only stayed for an hour but it was fun. I haven't been out with people for a long time....since before I got sick. Seems like ages ago.

I bought some persimmons (aka kaki in Japanese) today. They were from Shonai and it reminded me of "home". My home in Japan anyway. I haven't eaten any yet. I think they are full of good vitamins so I should.

I got home a bit after 11 and just vegged for a while. I'll likely go to bed soon. I'm a bit tired. I do have to wrap my sister's birthday present first though.

Catch you later? Good night!

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