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November 16, 2000 - Thursday

Happy Birthday Vanessa!

There was a bit of snow on the ground again today, but by tonight it had all gone. I'm glad because I still haven't bought my boots yet!

I went to Lotteria this morning for breakfast. Yep, another healthy one there! I'm waiting for the new KFC to open!

I wasn't very busy at work today so I got a lot of planning done. Everything is planned for tomorrow and I know what I have to do for Saturday.

I'm still Miss Cough of Otaru...and it still hurts. If I cough when I walk, I have to stop to catch my breath to be able to cough. My side hurts. This time it's my right side. The moving pain. I do feel minimally better though.

I came home tonight and wrapped the present for Vanessa. It's a cool present I think. I hope she likes it! I'll mail it tomorrow.

I didn't really have an exciting day or anything. It was just normal....a bit quiet since 2 classes didn't come, but the 2 that did were pretty cool.

And that's it. I am out of here. Bye!

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