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November 17, 2000 - Friday

Today started and ended on a busy note. This morning I had a class, a meeting, another class, lunch and then 2 classes. After that I was done teaching for the day and I could just work on tomorrow's lessons. I hope they'll be interesting.

During my lunch I went to the post office to mail a couple of packages. That was fun!

Tonight I came home and watched the MTV Music Awards. I wasn't terribly impressed. I don't like a lot of the "new" music. It's pretty bad when the bubblegum stuff seems better than the "real" rock music.

While I was watching the MTV thing I did a bit of cleaning up. Tomorrow is the day the landlord is coming to take pictures of my apartment. I'm not exactly happy about that. I have no idea why I should let him take photographs of my stuff. If this wasn't Japan I'd tell him to go to hell and I'd be totally within my rights. Here, I'm a foreigner and I feel very much that I have no rights.

Ally McBeal is on of those deep deep shows. It's okay I guess. That's it for me for tonight. Later....

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