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November 18, 2000 - Saturday

Ladies and Gentlemen....we now have snow. And no, I don't have my boots yet. Sigh.

Well, today wasn't too bad. Remember the landlord was taking photos today? Well, my apartment actually looks pretty good, so it wasn't a problem. However, I got up early and took a shower so I'd be done before he came. I had just come out of the shower when the doorbell rang. It was 15-20 minutes before he said he would come and I wasn't dressed. I couldn't just throw anything on either as I'd carefully hidden away almost all of my stuff. I did yell in Japanese to wait a moment, but he went away.

Around 10:05 or so he came back, bringing more people. He had 2 men with him, an appraiser and a photographer. They did their thing and were actually very nice...admired my photos of Katie-chan, so they were at least nice! They left, all bowing and smiles and that was that. About 15 minutes later though, the landlord came by with a bag of apples for me. It was sweet, although unnecessary.

I managed to post last night's entry to Angelfire. For some reason I couldn't sign in last night. I don't know why. Then it was time to leave.

There was water everywhere. Snow was falling, but it was really wet, at least at first. By the time I got to work it was quite obvious to me that it was here to stay for a while.

I stopped at the Authent Hotel bakery for my breakfast...quiche, and a couple of bread based things. Yummy.

Work was fun today. I was busy, busy, busy of course. Classes went pretty well, I certainly have no complaints.

After work I did a lot of paperwork as Monday is our month end and I DON'T want to go in on Monday and do it. After I finished it, I locked up the office and made my slow way home. There was a lot of snow, but it wasn't very slippery.

At home I vegged a lot. I just watched TV and relaxed. I worked on some of my Christmas Cards for a while. I think I'll go to bed soon. I'm a bit tired and I really want to sleep.


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