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November 24, 2000 - Friday

Today was okay. The first half of the day was really busy for me, I had class, meeting, class, lunch, class, class. Then I had lots of planning time. It's a good thing, because I have a lot of classes tomorrow.

Not much happened really. I went to work, I came home. I got an e-mail from my sister that she liked her presents that I sent. Yay! I have a bunch of presents for Christmas to get ready now. Sigh.

Oh yeah, one thing was cool. When I came home tonight I made Blue Cheese Pizza. It was nummy. I really enjoyed it. I also ate some of the persimmons that I had bought last week. It was nice to eat a simple meal.

Ally McBeal was on tonight too. It was an okay if weird episode. It was all about changes. The guest star was Farrah Fawcett. It was okay.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. Sorry about the late posting last night...Angelfire just wouldn't move last night and I couldn't post anything. It was annoying.

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