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October 1, 2000 - Sunday

It rained today. It rained a lot. I felt a bit trapped almost, every time I felt like going out, the downpour would start again.

I got up around 12 and watched my movie show while I did my laundry. I also watched some videos. I watched Dark City which was really interesting, and Pleasantville which I really enjoyed too. They were both about looking at the world in a different way. I could see that Dark City was quite like The Matrix in a way, or maybe that should be the other way around?

In the evening I got tired of being housebound so I put on my rain cape and headed off for the mall. I was disappointed to discover that X-Men wasn't on tonight, so I went to see Autumn in New York instead. I was disappointed in that too. It was one of those movies where the heroine is dying of some vague disease but gets more beautiful as the illness progresses!

After the movie I was set to take the train home, but a student from my school was at the movie too, and she offered me a lift home. What a nice treat!

At home I watched Homicide and then the taped version of the Olympic Closing Ceremony. Looked like a great party. Now, I'm going to go to bed. Night all!

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