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October 6, 2000 - Friday

Another sunny day. It was rather nice.

I wasn't very busy at work today. I only had two lessons, but they were fine.The kids one went so well that they didn't want to leave!

I did a lot of paperwork tonight, and all the planning for tomorrow's classes. Hurray.

After work tonight I went to Mosburgers with Justin for a quick bite. Then I came home and called Gabrielle to see if she still wants to come to visit me later this month. She does!

Then I popped in "The Mirror has Two Faces". I'd seen it before, but I wanted to see it again. I'd had a rare trip to the video store where I didn't see a lot of things that I wanted so I got this movie. I'm rather enjoying it, although I think that when she undergoes her transformation, she becomes less attractive!

That's it for tonight. I hear rain outside...oh dear. I hope it clears up before the morning.

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