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October 7, 2000 - Saturday

Today was a pretty nice day. I left a few minutes early for work and stopped at McDonalds to buy my breakfast. It was pretty good.

I was busy at work today, my usual 7 classes. They went quite well today though. We talked about many things...interesting.

After work I went out with Michiyo and some of her students and we had a good time at an izakaya. We had a lot of ethnic foods including Nasi-gorang and gyoza. Yum.

It started to rain as we left the izakaya so we took a cab home.

At my apartment I decided to watch a show that I'd taped earlier in the week, The Winter Guest. It was a bit weird. I'm really glad that I didn't pay to see it! It was very stage-y.

It's getting much colder here now. I'm starting to need to get my kotatsu fired up. I hate that, it means that winter isn't far away. Sigh. I dislike winter. Maybe I'm just cold from watching the movie?

Anyway, I should be off to bed soon. I have a lot of things to do tomorrow. Night!

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