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October 9, 2000 - Monday

I had a busy day today. I got up around 10, showered and watched the end of a video. Then I left to go to my Japanese lesson.

I was late, but luckily my teacher wasn't angry with me. We had a good time...we finished up one unit and started the next. We're studying this and that now, and also prices. More numbers!

After the lesson I returned my videos then as I couldn't rent any I stopped by the used videos for sale. I bought of them was an old Kurt Russell film that I love, Big Trouble in Little China. I can't wait to watch it!

When I finished at the video store I walked to the grocery store and treated myself to some Chicken McNuggets. I also discovered that below the grocery store was a department store of sorts. Yay! I bought a few things in the grocery store then went home.

I watched a bit of TV and then I headed out to the office. Yep, on my day off, a national holiday to boot, I worked. I worked for about 3 hours doing paperwork and filing. The good thing is that I'm close to being ready to go to Tomokamei. Apart from packing that is.

After I finished I went to Mr. Donuts for some supper. I was reading a book and sipping my ice tea, when a familiar song started over the internal radio system. It was the original, Shaun Cassidy version of "Hey Deanie". I haven't heard that version in years. It was great. Totally took me back to the late 70's.

Then, I came home. At home there was nothing on that I wanted to watch so I popped one of my new videos in...Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack. Yes, I found a Battlestar Galactica video and yes, I bought it. Talk about a 70's day or what!

I also did some more work on my short story. I've basically finished it, but I need to add in some comprehension questions and maybe a few definitions.

In a few minutes I'll go to bed. I'm tired and it has been a long, but very productive, enjoyable day. Night!

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