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September 3, 2000 - Sunday

Today was quite good. I stayed up late last night and watched videos. I went to bed sometime around 5 I think. I slept till after 12, then got up and did laundry.

After I did laundry I surfed the net a bit and then took a nap.

I decided finally to see if there was anything good playing at the mall. I walked to the main Otaru station, doing a bit of window shopping on the way.(A girl can never have too many windows eh?) Once again though, there was nothing playing that made me want to fork out ¥ 1800, so I did some shopping instead. I added to my collection of movie postcards :-) and got some new coat hangers for my clothes.

I was starving as I hadn't eaten all day. I was planning to go to a pasta restaurant, but it had a sign up in the entrance, so I didn't know if it was open or not. Instead I went to an Indian restaurant and had chicken curry. It was good, though not as good as the curry I had in Sapporo. After that, I wandered through more stores and finally bought a few groceries. After that, I caught the train back to my stop and walked home.

At home I decided not to rewatch Stallone's Daylight and popped the video of "Brassed Off" in. It was great. I enjoyed it. It had a few similarities to The Full Monty, except for the getting naked part. It was really enjoyable.

And that's about it for my day. Pretty relaxing actually.

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