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September 4, 2000 - Monday

Hello again! Today was good. I got up on time, went for my Japanese lesson and learned about telling time. I'm not very good at it, but I'm not that great at it in English either! After the lesson I went to the video store and returned my videos. I rented 3, Oscar with Stallone, Georgia with Jennifer Jason Leigh and Mare Winningham, and Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. I watched the latter tonight, and it was quite funny.

After the video store I hit the grocery store and McDonalds, then headed home.

I went out again around 4 and went to the glass shops. I bought myself a little flask, or pitcher with a well in it for ice. It will keep anything cold that you don't want diluted. I wandered around for a while but didn't buy much else.

I came home and as the movie of the evening was Shine which I've seen many times, I popped in Romy and Michelle. I won't say that it was the funniest movie I've ever seen, but it was quite cute. I enjoyed it.

After that it was time for ER and then my phone call. After the call I hung up the phone and it rang again. It was Pamella. We had a long gab session which I rather enjoyed.It was one of those call where we wanted to hang up but one of us would thing of something new to talk about, so we'd talk for another 10 minutes.

Oh hey, I also tidied up a bit tonight and get this....washed dishes! I can hardly believe it either. My table in front of me is almost cleared off. Amazing.

I have to go, I must get up a little early tomorrow because I have to go to a meeting in Sapporo tomorrow. Eek. Wish me luck.

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