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September 5, 2000 - Tuesday

Well, today was the meeting in Sapporo. I knew that I should get up early, and I did. I got up, showered and even left my house in time to catch an earlier train than I had planned originally. I grabbed a grapefruit juice on the way and caught my train.

The ride in was uneventful and pleasant. In Sapporo I walked to the meeting place and looked for a bagel shop that I'd heard about. I couldn't see it, so I popped into the international center to pick up some informational brochures and then went to McDonalds for breakfast. I had a chicken burger.

Then I headed back to the meeting place and changed.

The meeting itself was fine. I learned a bit, maybe gave some ideas to others, enjoyed myself most of the time. My co-worker and I went out for lunch together which was nice. We haven't spent a lot of time together at all before this.

After the meeting I went out with my friend Pamella to an izakaya for something to eat. I enjoyed it. It was nice to have a meal out with someone and speak English all the time.

When we finished I walked back to the train station and caught my train back to Otaru. I caught the second last one and luckily I got a seat. It was very crowded.

I walked to my apartment, and almost literally sat down at the computer and started to write this entry. It was nice to get out of my school for a change, but I missed my students too.

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