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September 19, 2000 - Tuesday

Today was a pretty good day. I had thought that I would be really busy, but it turns out that I wasn't. I did however do a lot of planning. The interview that had been scheduled cancelled and a student had to miss her class.

The other classes were fine today. I really enjoyed teaching them.

The weather was hot again today. It's hard to believe that it's late September. I'm told we'll have snow here in a month, but I don't wanna think about that yet!

After work I decided to go to Mr Donuts for a quick bite. Sadly they weren't able to give me exactly what I wanted, but I did get some soup and I read my book quite happily. It was nice.

I walked home and basically vegged. I wrote some e-mail. I have a new assignment though. I've been asked to contribute to a supplementary text that my company is going to produce. I had a short story accepted so I'm rather happy about that. However, I now have to write some dialogues. Still that's okay. I've said that I thought I could do a better job than the other dialogues in the's my chance to put my money where my mouth is!

Night all, that's all you get tonight.

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