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September 20, 2000 - Wednesday

Welcome back! I'm glad that you joined me again.

Work was a bit...hectic today. I have a new child student on Wednesdays and I'm having problems adapting to him. However I got some really good ideas from my co-worker (Thanks Justin) and I hope that next time it will help. My other children's class went okay, it wasn't terrific, but it wasn't terrible either. Average I guess.

It was also the big paperwork day so I spent a bit of time and cleaned up some of my contracts and stuff. The last teachers left everything in a horrid mess and sadly I've got to take responsibility for it.

After work I walked home with Justin via the convenience store for my supper. Sigh. When I got home I realized that I could/should have made a Blue Cheese Pizza, but I didn't think of it in time. Tomorrow I guess I will!

That's about it. An okay day.

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