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September 21, 2000 - Thursday

Today I was kind of busy at work, believe it or not. I had 5 classes...I did have 6 scheduled, but one student couldn't come. Every lesson went well. I started a new class tonight too, and it was fun. The poor student was so nervous. I felt sorry for her.

I had an interesting offer from my head office tonight. It's something that I'm going to have to think about quite hard. No more comments, until I make a decision.

I went out for lunch today, I just wanted to get out of the office. There's a nice little restaurant about a block away from my school and I went there and did some writing. I had some kind of pork cutlet dinner with soup, salad, rice and dessert for 550 yen...a really good deal.

Tonight's supper was my last blue cheese pizza until I get to the grocery store again. It was darn good though.

Just a word to the wise, I'm out of town for the next few days and there won't be any updates. The diary will likely continue on Monday.....Bye!

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