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April 14, 2001 - Saturday

A pretty good day today.

Sadly one of my classes was cancelled so the student could go to a funeral. It was a student that had perfect attendance up to now too.

I also taught one of Michiyo's students today. She was very busy so I volunteered to teach one of her classes for her.

I did a ton of prep work in my non-teaching time. I prepared a lot of the classes for next week that take the most time. I also made sure that my Tuesday classes were prepped...the first ones anyway.

I managed to leave the office quite early and I came home and watched my usual 90210 and then Dharma and Greg. For a change of pace I also watched one of the movies I'd taped this week...Eddie Macon's Run. It was okay, but not great. I read the book a long time ago and it was better. I did enjoy seeing John Schneider though.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I'm thinking about going to bed soon. Night all!

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