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April 16, 2001 - Monday

A pretty good day. I woke up quite early because there was a lot of light in my room. I got up and got ready for my lesson.

I got over there almost on time and had a great lesson. I did okay for a change!

After the lesson I came back to my apartment and watched Sleepy Hollow. It was good and I enjoyed it a lot. Johnny Depp was great and the British actors were really good too.

I returned the videos and then caught a train to the mall. I did a little shopping, not much, and I went to see Hannibal which I didn't really like. You can read my review if you want. I came home and watched Sabrina and then started to watch Bull Durham. I took a break to watch ER. Bull Durham is great. Kevin Costner was at his peak and Tim Robbins was just a pretty face. Don't get me started on Susan Sarandon either. I hope I look as good as she does when I get to her age. Come to think of it, I'm probably at her age now when she made this movie. Damn, I don't look that good!

Anyway, I've got to go. I need my beauty sleep! Night.

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