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April 17, 2001 - Tuesday

A busy day, with nice weather!

I was scheduled for 7 lessons today, but luckily one of them didn't happen. I was kept a' hoppin! It seems like all I did today was prepare and then teach. I didn't even have enough time to read today's paper.

After work, I did a ton of paperwork and then gave a bit of a hand decorating the lobby. We all did a bit, but we didn't get done until 11:30 or so.

On the way home David and I stopped into Mosburgers for some take out. It was a bit late to cook anything for ourselves so it was a good idea on my part!

Anyway, I brought home my stuff and then ate it. It was darn good too. And that's about it. I'll be going to bed fairly soon I think. Night!

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