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December 1, 2001 - Saturday

An unsettling day in ways.

I was rudely awakened by the doorbell in my apartment this morning. It was Fumihiko, he had decided to join me. In normal circumstances I would probably be happy to see him, but I'd really been looking forward to my night alone and had planned a nice quiet morning for myself.

He drove me to work after I ate breakfast and told me he was going back to the apartment because he hadn't slept enough. I thought that was rather choice as I hadn't slept enough either because some person came and rang on my doorbell before 9 am.

Work was fine, just very busy. All the classes showed up, although not all of the students. Sigh. Too bad.

After work Fumihiko came to pick me up and take me home. I got him to take me to Mr. Donuts first because I finally had enough points to get one of their schedule books. It's really cute.

When we drove home I ate supper and then came upstairs to write my entries and do some computer work. I miss the ol' computer when I don't do my writing.

Oh, I also heard that Princess Masako had a baby girl today. That's very nice, but does complicate things re the succession to the "throne". Well, the main thing for me is that mother and child are doing well. I haven't heard one way or the other, but I would imagine that they are.

And that's about it. I'm tired so I plan on going to bed soon. I hope I get to.

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