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December 2, 2001 - Sunday

A pretty good, if shaky day!

In the morning Fumihiko and I slept in and then went downstairs. We ate breakfast and came upstairs to pick out some pictures from our wedding to send to my friends.

Later we went shopping to Tsuruoka Jusco. We didn't buy too much, I got myself a pair of rubber boots for winter, that was it. Then we went to buy me some computer disks. Since I moved I haven't been able to find mine and my homepage entries are cluttering up the memory.Then, we decided to get me a mobile phone. Yes, I hate them, but with winter coming I need to be able to contact Fumihiko quickly. We went to a couple of stores, but ended up in one that sells many kinds. Of course the one that has the English manual was the brand whose staff were nasty to me last year, so I said no to that. I picked out one, I think it's a new model and Fumihiko gets to help me with the paperwork.

Then, we came home and ate supper. We had curry. It was darn good. Then, as the rest of the family just seemed to want to watch TV (mindless Japanese stuff), I decided to do something productive. I brought down my Christmas Cards for my friends and family in Canada and Britain. Last night I wrote about 15 cards. Not bad eh? I still have to address the envelopes and put in the pictures (if and when Fumihiko makes the duplicates!) but the hardest part is done.

Fumihiko's Mum took her bath and went to bed around 9 I think and at 10:02 last night we got an earthquake. It was quite a big one, 4 on the Japanese scale. I have to tell you I was glad that Fumihiko was there because I didn't panic! It lasted for about a minute he said. Pictures in the house were swaying and doors were rattling. It was longer than the bad one I experienced in Sakata a few years ago, but not as intense.

After the house stopped shaking, I asked Fumihiko where our emergency meeting point is, as I can never read the signs. He didn't know. I laughed at him for that.

We finished watching The Negotiator, and then took our baths and went to bed.

It was a good day, we made up and I'm not angry at him anymore!

Night night!

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