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December 7, 2001 - Friday

An interesting day.

This morning I decided that I would just ride my bike to work, because the weather was fine and clear in the am. Of course, by the time I walked out the door, it was snowing! It wasn't staying on the ground thank goodness, just swirling around the air. And, to make my morning even more complete, my dear husband had altered the gears on my bike and instead of being in the middle setting where I usually keep it, it was now on the very difficult to pedal setting. It took me most of the way to Tsuruoka Park before I could fix it!

When I got to work I discovered that my Cosmo had arrived. Yay! It came via Otaru, and all my old co-workers wrote me a note. That was really sweet.

Classes were fine, except the children's group was a bit dull and I totally botched up my last class! I taught them things in the wrong order. Oops.

It was a bit wet tonight but I thought the roads would be okay to cycle on. However, about 15 after 9 Fumihiko stuck his head into the school and told me that he'd had a car accident, but he was fine. Of course I was worried about him, but he was really okay, I just think that he was a bit shaken up. He had to go to the police station to report, and I said that I'd join him there.

It took me a few minutes to change and finish, so when I went downstairs he was already on his way back to my school. We picked up my bike and drove home. I think he's a bit more shaken than he lets on, but he'll be okay. The car isn't badly damaged, which I'm glad about. There's some paint from the other car, but it doesn't look like there's much denting or anything. Mind you, it was dark when I saw it, so I might be mistaken.

Tonight was a bumper night of TV for me though. I watched the end of Notting Hill (insisting to Fumihiko that we MUST rent it sometime so he can see the subtitles) and then most of Ally McBeal. It was nice to see something in English again.

And that's it. Fumihiko was a sweetie and did the dishes so I could watch Ally McBeal. I think I'll keep him around for now!!!

Until next time.....

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