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December 6, 2001 - Thursday

A pretty normal day.

I got up early again this morning. Fumihiko kept asking me damn fool questions like, "What's the weather like?" and "Have you decided if you want a ride to work?"" The reason they are damn fool questions is that I hadn't gotten out of bed yet. I hadn't a clue what the weather was like and told him so. I ended up getting up, where I was greeted by a full breakfast. Breakfast today included cooked cabbage and pork. I'm not saying it wasn't delicious, it's just that at 7:45 in the morning the thought of eating almost anything makes me feel sick. And cabbage has a nasty side effect on me too, so I didn't want to eat any.

I went and had a naplet at the apartment. I call it a naplet because I didn't actually sleep. I tried to , but I couldn't. I didn't even change into my nightie today, I just kept my clothes on. It's too damn cold in this country. I can't believe it sometimes.

I walked to work where I had an okay day. One class didn't show, but the others that did seemed to go well. One exception was my kid's class. He seemed a bit out of sorts today, so it wasn't so great.

I finished quite early as I had done my paperwork during a free section of my day, which was nice, because Fumihiko arrived very soon after to pick me up.

At home I discovered that someone had called me and left a message. When I called back I found out that there is a Ladies Lunch on Sunday, but unfortunately I can't go. I guess I could, but I really want to get some R&R time in with my hubby so I declined. And, in another exciting development, I received a wedding invitation to the wedding of one of my old co-workers. Wow. I didn't really expect that I'd be invited. Fumihiko and I are going to try to go I think. It might be fun, right at the end of New Years, before I go back to work. Hmm.

And that's it. It took ages to get the computer warm enough to read the screen,so my message will have to be thoroughly spell checked before I post it! Oh, yeah, I almost got a virus yesterday, but I have a Mac, so I'm okay. Hurray for Macs!

Night night.

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