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December 8, 2001 - Saturday

A long, mostly boring day.

In the morning Fumihiko got up without telling me that he was getting up for good. I thought he was coming back to bed soon so I rolled over in bed and went back to sleep. A bit after nine I got up got dressed in the freezing cold room.

Fumihiko drove me to work,but we had an errand to run on the way there. I got to work on time, and prepared for a normal day.

In the first hour Aki and I planned to decorate the school, but Hitomi and the manager decorated a bit last night. They didn't have any rhyme nor reason when they did it, so it didn't have any similarity to what I had thought about doing. Aki and I did a few things and it started to feel more Christmassy.

I prepared f for my classes, making sure I was ready, but I needn't have bothered. My first two classes didn't show up. I was very disappointed, and nobody called at all. Sigh. My final class had a whopping 2 people in it, but they studied very hard, so it wasn't too bad.

After work, Fumihiko came and got me, so I was okay. At home I found that we had got two Christmas cards today. One was from America, and the other from Scotland. Hurray!

I ate supper and then just played with my new toy for a while. After a while, I came upstairs. I hope to watch Roswell and Dharma and Greg soon. Not sure what's on the schedule for tomorrow, so you'll have to wait and see, just like me!

Gotta go....

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