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December 11, 2001 - Tuesday

A busy day.

I'm wiped. I taught 7 lessons today, and they went quite well, but I'm tired!

I got up very unhappily around 7:38 this morning because the roads were bad and Fumihiko wanted to drop me off at the apartment before he went to work. It was a good thing that we left when we did because the roads were slippery.

Usually at the apartment I just sort of sleep, but today I decided to do something. I worked on my cards a bit and I took a shower and made breakfast. Okay, actually, I toasted two bagels, but it was darn nice.

Before the bagels, but after the shower I got a call from Fumihiko. He said that he'd just got a call from someone in England at his house for me. It was my Dad's cousin Sally. She was wondering about our address. Unfortunately Fumihiko and her couldn't understand each other very well so she said she'd phone back. She hasn't yet though.

I walked to work and posted off my Christmas cards to my friends and family. It was darn expensive, that's because I sent a lot of pictures!

Work was work, but everything was fine.

After work I came home, ate, and then Fumihiko volunteered to toast the remaining two bagels for our supper. Well, readers, I have to give you some advice. Before you let your husbands toast the bagels, make sure they know how! The daft twit toasted them without splitting them first. They were a little toasted on the outside and a lot too soft on the inside. Men! I bugged him a bit, but I guess he did try his best!

It took me an age to warm up the computer to anything like usable warmth, so I should go now. It's late and I'm tired. I had an early start today, and I'm beginning to fade.

Yawn! Good night.

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