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December 10, 2001 - Monday

An up and down sort of day, and not in a good way really.

I slept until 9:15 and then got up and did laundry. I did three loads and ate breakfast in the middle. Then I went back upstairs and got my cards ready to send. It took a long time, as I was putting wedding pictures in the envelopes and sometimes writing little notes on the back.

Then I started to wrap presents. What a job. I couldn't find a lot of boxes that were suitable, so I ended up splitting the presents to my sister and her family into two boxes. Still, I had most things wrapped, when Fumihiko's Mother came home. I kept on working for a while, then she called me down for a cup of coffee. That was nice.

I went back up and finished, but I couldn't do anymore without packing tape and wrapping paper.

Fumihiko came home, we ate supper and then went out to get presents for the gift exchange at the party on Sunday. It was weird though, I was leaving the house and I patted Gombei on the head. Then, he grabbed my hat out of my pocket and wouldn't let go of it. I don't know what he though was going on with it, he wouldn't relax his grip. Fumihiko had to be very stern with him before he'd give it back.

We drove slowly to the mall, because of all of the snow. Yes dear reader, it snowed about 2 inches today. It just wasn't fair!

At the mall I bought a few more cheap decorations for the tree and Fumihiko managed to find a present for the party, but I didn't. I was quite disappointed actually. Nothing really struck my fancy.

We drove home and for some reason I was still hungry so we stopped at Mosburgers for a hamburger and fries. Okay, actually neither of us had hamburgers, we had croquettes or Chicken.

We came home via Hachimonjiya, where I finally found my packing tape and got some heavy brown paper. Fumihiko bought himself a book on Quidditch.

At home I decorated the tree again, then came upstairs and unwrapped the presents from before and re-wrapped them better. I used a lot of packing tape, so I think they'll be okay. Fumihiko volunteered to take them to the post office for me tomorrow, so I gave him a list of contents and value. What a guy.

Anyway, that's about it. Kind of a dull day because I didn't go anywhere until the evening, but at least the Christmas stuff is just about done. Yeah!


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