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December 14, 2001 - Friday

A long but good day.

In the morning my heater started up and it was nice. I was awake just before it started but I still enjoyed sleeping in! I didn't go to bed that late, but I definitely didn't want to get up.

When I did drag myself out of bed I took a shower and then made breakfast. I had rye bread toasted. Yum. This was the first time I'd tried the local rye bread. It was good, but they put walnuts in it.

I walked to work, or maybe I waded to work. There had been quite a bit of snow overnight.

Classes were fine. The manager prepared for her trip to Australia and then left. I taught 6 lessons today. I think they were all okay.

After work I did up my paperwork and I got ready to be picked up. A tall handsome man was supposed to pick me up, but actually it was just Fumihiko. (ha ha) He brought me home and we ate supper. I came upstairs to watch Ally McBeal and to do my computer stuff, but it took a long time to warm up the computer. It's still damn cold up here. Sigh.

And that's it for today too. Sigh. I hope it was slightly interesting. We have snow now which at least makes me feel more Christmassy. Hurray!

Bye for now!

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