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December 13, 2001 - Thursday

A long, but good day.

There was a lot of snow on Wednesday night, so I decided to go to the apartment on Thursday morning. It was okay. I took a bit of a nap, but didn't really sleep. I finished working on some of my cards...I put glitter on a few.

I left for work and on the way I paid a bill at the bank.

Classes were fine, even the child's one was okay.

I needed to do a lot of prep work after school though as I had 3 classes back to back on Friday and I wanted to make sure things were okay.. I was also waiting for Yukiko to finish because we wanted to go out and have supper together. I did a lot of paper work, which was nice because I'll have less to do on those paperwork days.

We finally got to go out around 11:45. The places we wanted to go to were closed or too far away, so we went to Watami.It was really nice. We got an assortment of different foods and drank oolong tea. It was nice. Around 12:45 we left and I walked back to the apartment.

It was cold there, but I soon got it warmed up and I watched Friends. It was an old but good episode, so I really enjoyed it.

After that I went to bed, setting my alarm and my heater for the morning. I hate getting up to a cold house!

Night night!

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