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December 16, 2001 - Sunday

A busy, bad day in many ways.

After I posted last night's report, I went downstairs and filled up the heater's tank, came upstairs and turned on the heater. Then I went downstairs to take my shower.

When I went back upstairs, I discovered that I hadn't turned the heater on properly, and it was still just as cold as when I left. It was a lovely 4 degrees...the heater said, although, I think it was much colder really.

I went to sleep, very angry at my husband for not being awake and helping me, and miserable from the cold. Not good combinations.

In the morning it didn't get better. He got up without talking to me, which made me even more upset. Finally he asked about breakfast and we ate some cereal and some of my leftover rye bread. Then it was time to get ready for the party. Unfortunately, it was really late, and I couldn't put on any of the make up that I had planned to, nor could I style my hair the way I wanted to. I was very angry by this time. We were also late to pick up Hitomi. To make matters even worse, when I went to get my dressy shoes out of the closet, the darn dog jumped up on my dress. I wasn't a happy camper.

The party was okay. It wasn't the best one I'd been to, but it wasn't the worst either. It was nice to see some of the Sakata students, I recognized a few faces from the past. I also saw an ex-student of mine who had gotten married and a present student of mine who is on leave. His wife had a baby a little while ago. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to talk to anyone for very long, but it was still nice.

Fumihiko played Santa, and he was very funny. His cap stuck straight up, which is not exactly how I picture Santa, but no one else seemed to mind!

After the party a few of us went to karaoke. That was rather fun. No-one hogged the microphone and we all sang some good songs. I really like it when my students sing in English, they usually do very well. Today, one of my students did the Backstreet Boys, and did a good job.

When we finished karaoke, Fumihiko and I went out for supper to his friend's restaurant for sushi. Yum. It was really good. Then, home again. At home, we watched End of Days on TV, which didn't get any better in the two years since I saw it last, and ate popcorn. Fumihiko makes great popcorn!

Then, Fumihiko took his bath and I wrote a bit of email. I've been neglecting some of my old friends lately, so I wanted to write and moan and complain to them!

And that was that. My day in a page and a half. Night!

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