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December 17, 2001 - Monday

A day to be a snowman!

I woke up around 7 this morning and got up and went to the toilet downstairs. When I came back, Fumihiko wanted a cuddle, so that's what he got. (Just that, this is not that sort of website!) I wouldn't mind waking up to that every morning. When it was time for him to get up, it was hard to say good bye.

After he left I fell back asleep and woke up a bit after 9. I did my laundry and ate breakfast. Then I did a bunch of email and got ready to go out.

I put on a hat, gloves and a sweatshirt under my coat, but I wasn't really prepared for what was waiting for me outside....snow. Lots and lots of snow. Sigh. It was unbelievable how much snow was out there. I walked to my apartment, and it took about 40 minutes from here. In some places I had to walk on the road, and in others I walked on the sidewalk, if there was a sidewalk. It was dangerous in places because I was walking on top of the drainage ditches and some of the old stones are quite unsafe, but I made it okay.

Along the way I stopped in at a bakery. I thought that the bakery sold buns and bread, but it was mostly a fancy cake shop. The man was very nice and spoke a bit of English to me, and I spoke a bit of Japanese to him, so we were both happy. I bought some cookies there because I didn't want to seem unfriendly.

On my merry way, I went to another bakery and got some stuff for lunch then went to the apartment. It was cold in there, but I soon got it warmed up and started working. I made about 8 cards, and they were all really nice. It's such a hard thing...I make these beautiful cards and I hate to give them away! Oh well. I hope that I have enough now.

Fumihiko called as I was putting finishing touches on my cards and said he'd come and pick me up. He did, but it was a while later and I had mostly finished the cards. I made us a cup of coffee and we ate some of the cookies from the bakery.

Then we drove home, via the drug store. I needed to get something for my heel. I noticed this morning that it had cracked open and had bled at some point. Blech. It's pretty painful. The roads were terrible and traffic was at a crawl. Snow was everywhere. It isn't cold, just snowy. We passed the Catholic Church too and saw the Christmas tree. It's the last time they'll have it, as it has to be cut down. It's very sad.

At home we ate supper and watched a bit of TV. We got a couple of Christmas cards today too, from my Scottish teacher and my sister. She sent some pictures of Katie along that are totally adorable.

And that's it. My day. It was pretty good, because I got out and finished my cards. I'll have to go to the apartment tomorrow morning and take a lot of my stamping stuff to work, because I'm doing stamping in a lesson tomorrow. I promised the student last week that we would.

Now I have to write all of those cards. Sigh!

Night night!

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