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December 23, 2001 - Sunday

A fun day!

I had told you all that I planned to stay in bed for a long time, and I did. I finally got up around 11 and ate breakfast. Then, Fumihiko and his Mum were watching TV so I went back upstairs and took a nap for a while.

After my nap, Fumihiko and I went shopping. We bought some food, and some stuff for the house. Then we went to Mikawa Jusco where we did even more shopping and had lunch too. We took a big risk and went for yakiniku. It was delicious, and I really enjoyed it.

After lunch we bought our Christmas present to each other. What did we get? It's a surprise. I'll tell you on Christmas Day. After we bought it, I sent Fumihiko packing for a bit and I worked on his gift and some stocking stuffers for us. I'm a bit worried that I got the wrong things, but I don't know. I think he'll like it though.

We came back home and ate supper. I was still so full from lunch that I couldn't eat everything.

When the supper dishes were done, we got down to work. It was time to make nenga-jo, the New Years cards. Fumihiko wrote a whole bunch with his word processor, and I stamped 32 of them. They aren't particularly exciting, but they are pretty.

And that's it. A good day because I could sleep and have some fun shopping. Tomorrow I promised to make a cheese plate and I have to plan our Christmas dinner. Wish me luck, I don't know how I'm going to do it here!

Night night!

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