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December 24, 2001 - Monday

A busy day!

I finally got up this morning because the phone rang. A friend of mine was calling and wanted to come over and bring me something. She did, and it was some cookies and a potato pie.

Then, it was time for breakfast. I made toasted bagels and cream cheese and some toasted sesame bread with cream cheese. Yum.

In the afternoon, I did laundry and then we went out. Fumihiko's Mum wanted to buy some winter gifts and deliver them, so that's what we did. It took a long time and the weather got a bit nasty while we were out.

After we left his Mum back at the house we went out to Musashi and bought his Mum's present and a few more groceries. It was nice to be out together.

We came back and ate a huge supper. It was good! We ate the potato pie too and that was really great.

After supper Fumihiko and I made a bunch of cards. He made up mine and I stamped them. I think they look great.

Now it's time to go to bed, and wait for Santa. I hope he knows where I live!

To all my readers, I wish you a merry, peaceful Christmas. Thanks for all of your support, I do appreciate it.

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