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December 22, 2001 - Saturday

To sum up this day, I'll just say "Tired!"

I got up and didn't have breakfast at home. I was a bit antsy and didn't want to eat. Fumihiko drove me to work and we stopped at the bakery and I bought my breakfast. Then we walked over to Jusco where we bought some more stamping stuff.

Work was fine today except my first class didn't happen. The students had both told me that they couldn't come so it wasn't a surprise or anything.

My other classes all happened and actually went quite well I think. I had a nice surprise too. An old student of mine came and visited me. We chatted for a while and have talked about going to karaoke over the break. She's planning to go to school in the States, and study drama. I'm very jealous!

After work Fumihiko came and picked me up and we drove to the apartment where I picked up a lot of my stamps. This weekend we're going to try to make some New Years cards. It should be fun....I hope!

I ate two bowls of soba for supper and then Fumihiko made me a skewer of toasted marshmallows. I've never had toasted marshmallows indoors before!

Susan sent me a box of magazines and books so I'll have something to do for the next few days. I'm so glad, as I was beginning to miss my magazines!

And that's about it. My biggest plan for the evening is to watch Roswell and hopefully Dharma and Greg. I also plan/hope to sleep in, very very late tomorrow!
Good night!

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