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December 27, 2001 - Thursday

A busy, but good day.

I went to bed quite early last night, at least for me! I was in bed by 1:30 and poor Fumihiko was even earlier. He was really tired yesterday.

This morning, I actually woke him up! I woke up at 7:45 and he was still in bed. He was sleeping. The alarm clock hadn't gone off. A good job that I woke up.

Fumihiko drove me to the apartment and I took a nap. Then I got up, watched a bit of's selection was Third Watch, and I walked to work. On the way I bought my breakfast at a bakery and paid a bill at the post office. I got to work a bit before 11:30, changed and ate and read the paper.

My first class cancelled as I thought it might, and I did some work and prepared for my other classes. I figured out a way to teach about recycling in my Child's lesson without risking hurting ourselves. However,to do that I had to buy 2 tubes of potato chips! I did that at lunch, I bought the cheapest ones I could find and then gave the contents of one to Hitomi!

Classes generally went well, although most classes had at least one person missing today. I was so happy that it was the last day of the year. I know that sounds awful, but I haven't had a lot of time off to just relax this year. Every long holiday that I've had I've been planning to go somewhere or had company, or have been getting married, so it's been difficult!

Fumihiko came and got me a bit after 9:30 and he drove me home. We ate some curry and rice and then I made up a bit of Caesar salad to go with it. Yum.

Then we opened our presents. Yep, a box from Vanessa, Joe and Katie arrived today. We got all kinds of great stuff. I got pants, a great t-shirt, and some pasta! Fumihiko got a puzzle and a coin, and we also got some cereal! Funny present, but delicious! Fumihiko is going crazy from the puzzle! I also got some nylons and a few pages from Van's ongoing cookbook.

And that's really about it. He's going to take a bath right now and I'm debating whether or not to go into the office and redecorate tomorrow. I probably will. I'm not going to stay here at the house, so I might as well go into my apartment and then do some light work at the office. My plan is to end up at Mikawa Jusco and see a movie, but I don't know if I'll be able to do that or not. I hope so!

That's it! Wish me luck for tomorrow.

Good night!

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