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December 26, 2001 - Wednesday

An okay day, so far.

Waking up this morning was tough, especially since my dear husband didn't bother to wake me up until 10 minutes before he was due to leave. Sigh. Luckily I had put my clothes together last night so I was prepared to leave.

At the apartment I had a nap and watched some of The District.It was good and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it tomorrow. When I was watching TV I read a bit of my new Cosmo. It arrived at my house on Monday.

I walked to work a few minutes later than I wanted to so I didn't go to the post office as I had planned. Sigh. Oh well. Tomorrow, I hope.

Work was okay. I had to hustle to prepare the first couple of lessons for the day, but after that I was okay. I'd forgotten that one of my classes had cancelled today. It meant that I was able to do a lot of paper work.

Classes were quite interesting today and I think that they went well.

After work I finished up my daily paperwork and got ready to leave. Fumihiko picked me up and we drove home. He looks a little tired, so I think I'm going to send him off to bed soon. And, actually, I am a bit too so maybe I'll go too!

And that's it for me for tonight. After all the Christmas excitement I need a bit of normalcy, I think.

Night night!

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