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February 20, 2001 - Tuesday

A pretty good day today, mostly. I got up on time this morning and took a shower. I watched Picket Fences and it was a good one.

I left for work a little late as usual but I still stopped off for a sandwich from the convenience store.

At work I discovered that my sister's birthday present to me had finally arrived. I didn't open it then, but I did tonight. Contents...a card, a couple of videos and a basket of Body Shop Stuff. It smells wonderful. Thanks Van and Joe and Katie.

Classes went quite well. One of my students had an accident just before class and was a bit upset, understandably I think. She'd walked into the automatic door of the building and her lip was bleeding. Poor thing

I got home late tonight, I stayed to do a bit of paperwork and I ended up reading a magazine too.

At home I finished reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone...Great book. Can't wait to get the next one. Now, I'm watching Friends and I'll be posting this in a few, then it's off to bed. Nighty-night.

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