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February 21, 2001 - Wednesday

Well, I apologize for not posting yesterday's entry on time. I was having modem trouble, but luckily tonight it seems to be working. I tried changing the place that I plug it in and it worked. Hurray. So, if my modem troubles me again, please bear with me!

When I walked to work today I was astounded. It was warm! The melt was fact, even tonight it is raining and the temperature is a balmy 3 degrees. It's nice, but one problem is that it is darn slippery out there.

I was busy at work today. I didn't think I would be, as one of my students cancelled her lesson due to a cold, but another private student called and asked if I could fit him in tonight. To be honest, he'd e-mailed me, but my modem was down and I didn't get the message. Oh well. So, I had five lessons straight from 4 o'clock. The children's lessons went quite well today too, which was nice.

After work I had to prepare for my first class tomorrow and for the second class which booked around 8:00 pm. I wasn't too happy. That meant I had to do the prep for it on my own time. Oh well.

On the walk home tonight I was careful where I walked because of the ice. I stopped in at the convenience store and picked up a noodle salad and a sukiyaki container. They have these neat packs of food that you take home and cook. It's a lot easier than buying all the veggies and washing them all. This was the second one that I've tried and I really enjoyed it.

And that's about it. On a hunch I changed the plug in for the modem and was delighted to find out that it worked. Hurray.

Soon I'll be off to sleep...I hope. Good night!

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