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February 23, 2001 - Friday

I'm late tonight so I'll make this short.

I had a pretty good day today. Classes went well, and I got a lot of prep done. Not just for today/tomorrow, but for next week too. I'm glad because I'm on holiday on Tuesday and I want to relax. I could be really busy on Wednesday.

After work tonight I went to an izakaya with students and my co-workers to have a party for Justin. It was fun and I stayed out late....I came home just a bit after 1 am. I was hoping that there'd be karaoke, but there wasn't. Sigh. Oh well.

I also did something silly! Our publishing department asked me to try to do some proofreading for a new textbook, and I said yes. I did a bit of work on it already. It's really interesting and I enjoy doing it very much, but I'm going to be very busy this weekend. Oh well, I'll do what I can I guess.

Anyway, I have a long hard day tomorrow, so I'll bid you adieu for tonight. Adieu.

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