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February 24, 2001 - Saturday

Wow, what a busy day! I got up around the right time and then showered and did all the usual morning stuff before I left for work. It wasn't fun going up the hill, and then down the other side, believe me! It was quite slippery.

I bought my lunch and breakfast at the convenience store and then headed off to work.

I had my usual seven lessons, plus I fitted in a quick interview, and some of my editing. Classes were fine today, I only had one student not show up. I didn't leave the office until after 10:30 as I had to do a lot of prep work for Wednesday. I'm taking Tuesday off, so I won't have time to prepare on Wednesday. I'm nearly ready I think.

I walked/skated home. It was really bad in some places. Near the top of my hill I really wasn't sure if I could even make it. I was scared in case a car would come by. I flipped down the spikes on my boots and after that made quite good progress.

When I got home I called Gabrielle to see if she was going to stay with me or not...She isn't, but someone else probably will. So I cleaned up my apartment. It didn't take long as it really wasn't too messy, it's only been a couple of weeks since I cleaned it last.

And that's about it. Now I'm going to go to bed as I have to set off to Sapporo quite early tomorrow morning. Nighty-night.

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