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February 25, 2001 - Sunday

Written February 26

The day began okay, just early. I had to go to Sapporo for the teacher's conference. I got up and did my morning stuff, then left to catch the train. I didn't think I'd be able to make it, but I did. That was nice, and I even got a seat...bonus! I wrote a letter on the train so it was productive time too.

In Sapporo I walked towards the place where the conference was being held, but decided to treat myself to lunch first. It looked expensive, but I thought I'd try out the Grand Hotel. Their coffee shop looked nice, so what the heck.

Everyone was very efficient at the restaurant, but my food didn't come. And then it didn't come some more. Finally the waitress came and told me that it was going to be a while. I was worried because I had to get to the conference very soon and I didn't know where it was. She'd just come to tell me that it would be 5 more minutes and I was in the process of telling her that I couldn't wait any longer when it arrived. I ate very quickly which was darn painful as my wisdom teeth were in major twinge.

I didn't think I'd be able to eat the dessert, but it arrived as I was leaving and I decided to eat it anyway. I might be a bit late, but there is always time for ice cream!

When I left I had to find the venue. That was hard. It was blizzarding. I basically couldn't see across the street. I was quite petrified that I'd get hit by a car when I was crossing roads, but I didn't. It was awful. I was blinded by the snow and it was so windy that I couldn't breathe. I wasn't even sure that I was going in the right direction and was going to give up and go home when I finally spotted one of the landmarks on the way.

I got there, signed in and then met one of my co-workers. I went to four presentations plus the main one. Mostly they were good, but some of them weren't quite what I'd thought they'd be. Along the way I met my old Tsuruoka and Sakata co-workers too, which was a treat.

After the conference, Gabrielle decided to go to the big party, but Hitomi, Ritsuko and I decided to go to an izakaya that I know. I invited Pamella too, and she said she'd try to join us later.

At the izakaya we ate a lot of great food and were having fun getting re-acquainted. Pamella joined us and we all told funny stories and had a good old time!

I wasn't sure when the last train back to Otaru was, so we left Bamos around 10:45 and walked to the train station. It was a little cold, but not windy or snowy anymore so it wasn't too bad.

Ritsuko went off to her hotel, and Pamella, Hitomi and I went to the station. Pamella went off to catch a subway and Hitomi and I caught a train. It was lucky that we arrived when we did as there were only 2 more trains left!

Hitomi and I had a good old gab session on the train and in Otaru we took a cab to my apartment. It was dark and slippery so I didn't want to walk. At my apartment we talked for a while and drank tea. Then, we went to bed.

And that was my day! It was a good one even though February 25 is not a happy day for me usually.

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