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February 26, 2001 - Monday

Another long and busy day today. It was hard to get up this morning when we heard the alarm. I got up first and turned on the water and the water heater and then I went back to bed. I made Hitomi take the first shower....aren't I mean?

We got dressed, did all that morning stuff and then headed off to the train station. I slipped and fell on the way, but I wasn't hurt. We made our train, but we couldn't find a seat. Sigh.

In Sapporo we met up with Gabrielle, Ritsuko and John and went for a quick bite for Hitomi and I. Then, we headed off to The Loft where we spent a long time looking at candles and stuff. We ended up a lot later at Maruzen books and later still at The Body Shop.

Somewhere along the way we ended up having a snowball fight in Odori Park. That was a hoot. I don't really like snowball fights, but this one was quite fun.

Ritsuko and Hitomi wanted to eat ramen so we went to a ramen chain shop. It was good. We finished a bit late, so we had to run back to the station for the others to catch the train to the airport.

With quick hugs at the station we said goodbye and they left. I had bought my ticket, but decided to explore the things in the station. I walked around for a while and found even more things that I hadn't seen before.

I finally left. I took a train back to Otaru and then did some shopping. I walked home and worked on my editing and e-mail. Now, I'm just about done. I'm really tired, but luckily I don't have to go to work tomorrow. Hurray! That's all you get tonight. Later!

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