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February 27, 2001 - Tuesday

Did you ever have a holiday that didn't go the way you planned? That's what happened today.

I got up early today so I could check if the writing I did last night was acceptable, and so I could get the rest of the editing back. I came up with a cunning plan, I thought. I decided to give my editing to Justin when he left for work. The problem was that he didn't leave for work! I decided that he must have left early and I'd missed him. So, I got dressed and headed off to the school.

At the school I discovered that Justin had actually called in sick so I didn't miss him, he didn't go out. I did my faxing and then went to pay rent. I also picked up my mail and I got an Alumni newspaper from my old college.

I decided to go to the mall and have lunch. I did, I ate mushroom doria and read the Alumni report. It was cool to see what other people are doing with their lives.

The mall was really depressing though. Recently a lot of shops have closed there, including it seems my favourite coffee shop. Many of the things in the mall are boarded up and it's very quiet there. I thought about going to a movie, but then decided not to.

I came home around 5:00 and watched the day's TV that I'd taped. Then I took a nap. I slept until 10:00 ish then I got up and cooked supper. I'm going to have a busy day tomorrow so I'd like to get to bed soon.

And that was my day. A bit strange. Night!

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