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February 28, 2001 - Wednesday

A very very busy day. I had six lessons at work, plus a level check. Most of the lessons were okay, but I'm not sure about all of them.

I didn't leave right away right after work. I had to do my paperwork and I also wanted to read the newspapers. I had 4 to read. It took me a while, but it was interesting. I read more information about the little girl frozen in Edmonton. That was a miracle if there ever was one.

Walking home wasn't fun. There was a lot of ice everywhere. It had melted today with the higher temperature and the rain, but froze again tonight. I could have worn skates in places! I flipped the teeth down on my boots and made it home in one piece.

And that pretty much was my day. Nothing but work. I'm going to be busy tomorrow, but not as busy as today, I hope!

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